Latest from our blog

  • As developers, maintaining secure, high-quality code is challenging. Security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and code quality concerns can accumulate. Enter Pixeebot, a tool by Pixee that automates security and code improvements, letting developers focus on essential tasks.

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  • I have never been a huge fan of IoT devices. Granted, they make our life easier, but they also open the door to a lot of security issues. Most IoT devices are black boxes. I don't know what's inside and I don't know what they connect to.

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  • As a developer, I have faced my fair share of security mishaps. I recall times when I accidentally exposed sensitive data in logs or sent a network request over a non-encrypted HTTP channel when HTTPS was available. I'm sure many of you can relate to these situations. We may not be security experts, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take measures to protect our applications. This is where Bearer, a new security tool for Ruby and JavaScript apps (Java coming soon), comes into play.

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  • We are happy to announce that we completely rebuilt from scratch with more features and a new design!This is a major milestone for us, as it marks the first time we sat down to reinvision what the project should become in the next few years.

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  • This project started as a way to scratch my own itch:Years later, many people still seem to have the same problem. There are more than 500 static analysis (SAST) tools out there; how can you possibly find the "best" one?

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  • Static analysis is great! It helps improve code quality by inspecting source code without even running it. There are hundreds of great tools to choose from — many are free or open-source. Unfortunately, many projects still don’t make use of static analysis tools for various reasons.

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  • We found that static code analysis is a topic that is attracting a lot of engineers, which care about code-quality and solid engineering standards. Our goal is to create an open community for developers that want to take their code and skill set to the next level.

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  • Today we welcome DeepCode as our first sponsor.It makes us incredibly happy to see the backing of our community project from such a forward-thinking company. Just like us, DeepCode thinks that the space of analysis tools could be vastly improved to increase code quality and foster best practices within organizations of any size.

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❤️ Reach Thousands Of Devs Interested In Code Quality

That's why we are currently looking for partners who want to sponsor hosting and development of the project.

We believe that this project should be entirely open to avoid bias and gatekeepers, which promote tools purely based on monetary interest and not on quality. Since we want this to be a community project and the code/assets to be freely available to everyone, we'll use Github Sponsors + Open Collective for funding.

If you believe in the same values, don't hestitate to reach out via mail at