Tutorials / Guides

  • HTML-Validate screenshot
  • HTML-Validate screenshot

7 Alternatives for HTML-Validate


Linter for ABAP, written in TypeScript.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedAbap
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedserviceMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedlinter


A static analyzer for the analysis of multi-threaded C programs. Its primary focus is the detection of data races, but it also reports other runtime errors, such as buffer overflows and null-pointer dereferences.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedC
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedlinter


MythX is an easy to use analysis platform which integrates several analysis methods like fuzzing, symbolic execution and static analysis to find vulnerabilities with high precision. It can be integrated with toolchains like Remix or VSCode or called from the command-line.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedserviceMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedlinter


Perl-Analyzer is a set of programs and modules that allow users to analyze and visualize Perl codebases by providing information about namespaces and their relations, dependencies, inheritance, and methods implemented, inherited, and redefined in packages, as well as calls to methods from parent packages via SUPER.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedPerl
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedserviceMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedlinter

Steampunk Spotter

Ansible Playbook Scanning Tool that analyzes and offers recommendations for your playbooks.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedguiMaintainedserviceMaintainedide-plugin
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedSwift
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedlinter


Vue tooling for VS Code, powered by vls (vue language server). Vetur has support for formatting embedded HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS, TypeScript, and more. Vetur only has a "whole document formatter" and cannot format arbitrary ranges.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • DeprecatedcliDeprecatedide-plugin
  • DeprecatedlinterDeprecatedformatter

1 Multi-Language Tools


Ecosystem for structural matching JavaScript and TypeScript code. Offers search tool that understands code structure. Available as CLI tool and Visual Studio Code extension. It helps to search code faster and more accurately making you workflow more effective. Soon it will offer ESLint plugin to create your own rules in minutes to help with assuring codebase quality.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedlinter

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  • BugProve
  • Pixee
  • semgrep
  • Offensive 360
  • BetterScan