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CommonMark compliant Markdown formatter

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32 Alternatives for mdformat


A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide. It uses the pycodestyle utility to determine what parts of the code needs to be formatted.


The uncompromising Python code formatter.


Haskell source code formatter


Linter, formatter and test suite helper. As a linter, it is a wrapper around pep8, pydocstyle, flake8, and pylint.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedPython
  • Deprecatedcli
  • DeprecatedformatterDeprecatedmeta


Run arbitrary scripts inside containers, and gather useful information.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedformatter


A coding style formatter for CSS. Supports own configurations to make style sheets beautiful and consistent.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


Strict coding standard for Kotlin and a linter that detects and auto-fixes code smells.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedKotlin
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


F# source code formatter.


A Tcl formatting and static check program (can prettify the program, minimise, obfuscate or just sanity check it).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedTcl
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


Gendarme inspects programs and libraries that contain code in ECMA CIL format (Mono and .NET).

gofmt -s

Checks if the code is properly formatted and could not be further simplified.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedGo
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Enforce a stricter format than gofmt, while being backwards-compatible. That is, gofumpt is happy with a subset of the formats that gofmt is happy with. The tool is a fork of gofmt as of Go 1.19, and requires Go 1.18 or later. It can be used as a drop-in replacement to format your Go code, and running gofmt after gofumpt should produce no changes. gofumpt will never add rules which disagree with gofmt formatting. So we extend gofmt rather than compete with it.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedGo
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedformatter


Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedJava
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedformatter


A normaliser/beautifier for HTML that also understands embedded Ruby. Ideal for tidying up Rails templates.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


A program that reformats Kotlin source code to comply with the common community standard for Kotlin code conventions. A ktfmt IntelliJ plugin is available from the plugin repository. To install it, go to your IDE's settings and select the Plugins category. Click the Marketplace tab, search for the ktfmt plugin, and click the Install button.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedKotlin
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedformatter


An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedKotlin
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Perltidy is a Perl script which indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read. The formatting can be controlled with command line parameters. The default parameter settings approximately follow the suggestions in the Perl Style Guide. Besides reformatting scripts, Perltidy can be a great help in tracking down errors with missing or extra braces, parentheses, and square brackets because it is very good at localizing errors.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedPerl
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


Promformat is a PromQL formatter written in Python.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedformatter


An opinionated ruby formatter, intended to be used via the command line as a text-editor plugin, to autoformat files on save or on demand.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


A tool for formatting Rust code according to style guidelines.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRust
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


Sleek is a CLI tool for formatting SQL. It helps you maintain a consistent style across your SQL code, enhancing readability and productivity. The heavy lifting is done by the sqlformat crate.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedSql
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


Static analysis framework that runs a suite of vulnerability detectors, prints visual information about contract details, and provides an API to easily write custom analyses.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


Spoon is a metaprogramming library to analyze and transform Java source code (incl Java 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14). It parses source files to build a well-designed AST with powerful analysis and transformation API. Can be integrated in Maven and Gradle.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedJava
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


Multiple dialect SQL linter and formatter.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedSql
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter

Steampunk Spotter

Ansible Playbook Scanning Tool that analyzes and offers recommendations for your playbooks.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedguiMaintainedserviceMaintainedide-plugin
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


A programming-language agnostic stochastic optimizer for the x86_64 instruction set. It uses random search to explore the extremely high-dimensional space of all possible program transformations.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedAsm
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedformatter


Static analyzer for Go that recommends struct field rearrangements to provide for maximum space/allocation efficiency

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedGo
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Formatting of R source code files and pretty-printing of R code.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedR
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


A library and command-line formatting tool for reformatting Swift code.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedSwift
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


A linter, formatter for finding and removing unused import statements.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedPython
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Vue tooling for VS Code, powered by vls (vue language server). Vetur has support for formatting embedded HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS, TypeScript, and more. Vetur only has a "whole document formatter" and cannot format arbitrary ranges.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • DeprecatedcliDeprecatedide-plugin
  • DeprecatedlinterDeprecatedformatter


A formatter for Python files created by Google YAPF follows a distinctive methodology, originating from the 'clang-format' tool created by Daniel Jasper. Essentially, the program reframes the code to the most suitable formatting that abides by the style guide, even if the original code already follows the style guide. This concept is similar to the Go programming language's 'gofmt' tool, which aims to put an end to debates about formatting by having the entire codebase of a project pass through YAPF whenever changes are made, thereby maintaining a consistent style throughout the project and eliminating the need to argue about style in every code review.

10 Multi-Language Tools


A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


A multi-language static analyzer for C/C++/Obj-C/Python/Ruby to create a graph (in dot or graphml format) which shows all #include relations of a given set of files.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedformatter


Mobb is a trusted, automatic vulnerability fixer that secures applications, reduces security backlogs, and frees developers to focus on innovation. Mobb is free for open-source projects.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


OpenRewrite fixes common static analysis issues reported through Sonar and other tools using a Maven and Gradle plugin or the Moderne CLI.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


The Oxidation Compiler is creating a suite of high-performance tools for the JavaScript / TypeScript language re-written in Rust.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Facebook's tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation for many languages.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedformatter


An opinionated code formatter.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedformatter


Modern repositories include many technologies, each with its own set of linters. With 30+ linters and counting, Trunk makes it dead-simple to identify, install, configure, and run the right linters, static analyzers, and formatters for all your repos.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Universal code beautifier with a GitHub app. Supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, Vue, C++, Go, Objective-C, Java, Python, PHP, GraphQL, Markdown, and more.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • DeprecatedcliDeprecatedservice
  • Deprecatedformatter


Vera++ is a programmable tool for verification, analysis and transformation of C++ source code.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedformatter

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  • BugProve
  • Pixee
  • semgrep
  • Offensive 360
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