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A static analysis framework for Web Components.

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24 Alternatives for Polymer-analyzer


Lint, analyze, normalize, transform, sandbox, run, step through, and visualize user JavaScript, in node or the browser.

Closure Compiler

A compiler tool to increase efficiency, reduce size, and provide code warnings in JavaScript files.


Ensures that all of your project's JavaScript code follows the guidelines in the Google JavaScript Style Guide. It can also automatically fix many common errors.


Software complexity analysis for JavaScript projects.


An analyzer for JavaScript which targets runtime errors and quality issues rather than coding conventions.


Visualize JavaScript (ES6) source complexity.


Software complexity analysis of JavaScript-family abstract syntax trees.


ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis.


A static type checker for JavaScript.


A static type checker for JavaScript with a bias on type inference and strong type systems.


Detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and enforce your team's coding conventions.


The JavaScript Code Quality Tool.


Static security analysis tool.


A static security code scanner for Node.js applications powered by libsast and semgrep that builds on the njsscan cli tool. It features a UI with various dashboards about an application's security status.


Visualize JavaScript source complexity.


Scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities.


A (WIP) JavaScript linter written in Rust designed to be as fast as possible, customizable, and easy to use.


An npm module that checks for Javascript Styleguide issues.


A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support.


With TypL, you just write completely standard JS, and the tool figures out your types via powerful inferencing.


Opinionated but configurable ESLint wrapper with lots of goodies included. Enforces strict and readable code.


Javascript code metrics.


A dynamic code analysis tool for JavaScript. Iroh allows to record your code flow in realtime, intercept runtime informations and manipulate program behaviour on the fly.


Jalangi2 is a popular framework for writing dynamic analyses for JavaScript.

47 Multi-Language Tools


Creates reports of over 400 rule patterns for feature detection (e.g. the use of cryptography or version control in apps).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


ast-grep is a powerful tool designed for managing code at scale using Abstract Syntax Trees (AST). Think of it as a hybrid of grep, eslint, and codemod, with the ability to search, lint, and rewrite code based on its structure rather than plain text. It supports multiple languages and is designed to be extensible, allowing you to register custom languages.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedlinter


A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Open-Source static code analysis tool to discover, filter and prioritize security risks and vulnerabilities leading to sensitive data exposures (PII, PHI, PD). Highly configurable and easily extensible, built for security and engineering teams.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

Betterscan CE


Checks your code and infra (various Git repositories supported, cloud stacks, CLI, Web Interface platform, integrationss available) for security and quality issues. Code Scanning/SAST/Linting using many tools/Scanners deduplicated with One Report (AI optional).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A toolchain for web projects, aimed to provide functionalities to maintain them. Biome formats and lints code in a fraction of a second. It is the successor to Rome. It is designed to eventually replace Biome is designed to eventually replace Babel, ESLint, webpack, Prettier, Jest, and others.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Statically generates a call graph image and displays it on screen.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

CAST Highlight

Commercial Static Code Analysis which runs locally, but uploads the results to its cloud for presentation.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

Checkmarx CxSAST

Commercial Static Code Analysis which doesn't require pre-compilation.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Language independent framework for creating code analysis - supports over 60 languages by default.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


Ecosystem for structural matching JavaScript and TypeScript code. Offers search tool that understands code structure. Available as CLI tool and Visual Studio Code extension. It helps to search code faster and more accurately making you workflow more effective. Soon it will offer ESLint plugin to create your own rules in minutes to help with assuring codebase quality.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedide-plugin
  • Maintainedlinter


Corgea is an AI-powered SAST scanner that helps developers find and fix insecure code. It finds business logic flaws, broken authentication, API vulnerabilities, and more with little false positives. Additionally, it automatically writes security fixes for them to approve. Corgea integrates with GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, IDEs and CLI. It is free to try it.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter


Synopsys Coverity supports 20 languages and over 70 frameworks including Ruby on rails, Scala, PHP, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Fortran, C, C++, C#, VB.NET.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Check your code quality for js, jsx, vue, css, less, scss, sass and styl files.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


Multi-language Static Application Security Testing (SAST) platform that detects critical vulnerabilities, including hardcoded secrets, weak cryptography, backdoors, SQL injections, insecure configurations, etc.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter


Emerge is a source code and dependency visualizer that can be used to gather insights about source code structure, metrics, dependencies and complexity of software projects. After scanning the source code of a project it provides you an interactive web interface to explore and analyze your project by using graph structures.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter


An extensible linter for JS, following the ECMAScript standard.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A JavaScript compiler and TypeScript checker written in Rust with a focus on static analysis and runtime performance. Ezno's type checker is built from scratch. The checker is fully compatible with TypeScript type annotations and can work without any type annotations at all.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

Hound CI

Comments on style violations in GitHub pull requests. Supports Coffeescript, Go, HAML, JavaScript, Ruby, SCSS and Swift.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


Lizard is an extensible Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer for many programming languages including C/C++ (doesn't require all the header files or Java imports). It also does copy-paste detection (code clone detection/code duplicate detection) and many other forms of static code analysis. Counts lines of code without comments, CCN (cyclomatic complexity number), token count of functions, parameter count of functions.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Mega-Linter can handle any type of project thanks to its 70+ embedded Linters, its advanced reporting, runnable on any CI system or locally, with assisted installation and configuration, able to apply formatting and fixes

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Mobb is a trusted, automatic vulnerability fixer that secures applications, reduces security backlogs, and frees developers to focus on innovation. Mobb is free for open-source projects.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


OpenStaticAnalyzer is a source code analyzer tool, which can perform deep static analysis of the source code of complex systems.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


The Oxidation Compiler is creating a suite of high-performance tools for the JavaScript / TypeScript language re-written in Rust.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


A source code analyzer for Java, Salesforce Apex, Javascript, PLSQL, XML, XSL and others.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Quick automated code review of your changes. Supports more than 40 runners for various languages, including Clang, Elixir, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby and more.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


An engine for searching patterns in the source code, based on Unified AST or UST. At present time C#, Java, PHP, PL/SQL, T-SQL, and JavaScript are supported. Patterns can be described within the code or using a DSL.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


Pluggable and configurable code transformer with built-in eslint, babel plugins support for js, jsx typescript, flow, markdown, yaml and json.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Code audit tool for Python and JavaScript. Wraps pycodestyle, pydocstyle, PyFlakes, Mccabe, Pylint, and more

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A static file linter that allows you to write custom rules using regular expressions (RegEx).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Extends Visual Studio with on-the-fly code inspections for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, JavaScript, TypeScript and other technologies.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Validate and auto-generate TypeScript types from raw SQL queries in PostgreSQL. SafeQL is an ESLint plugin for writing SQL queries in a type-safe way.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter



A fast, open-source, static analysis tool for finding bugs and enforcing code standards at editor, commit, and CI time. Its rules look like the code you already write; no abstract syntax trees or regex wrestling. Supports 17+ languages.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter


Sigrid helps you to improve your software by measuring your system's code quality, and then compares the results against a benchmark of thousands of industry systems to give you concrete advice on areas where you can improve.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter

SonarQube for IDE

SonarQube for IDE (formerly SonarLint) is a free IDE extension available for IntelliJ, VS Code, Visual Studio, and Eclipse, to find and fix coding issues in real-time, flagging issues as you code, just like a spell-checker. More than a linter, it also delivers rich contextual guidance to help developers understand why there is an issue, assess the risk, and educate them on how to fix it.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Static Reviewer executes code checks according to the most relevant Secure Coding Standards, OWASP, CWE, CVE, CVSS, MISRA, CERT, for 40+ programming languages, using 1000+ built-in validation rules for Security, Deadcode & Best Practices Available a module for Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to find vulnerabilities in open source and third party libraries.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Combination of multiple linters to install as a GitHub Action.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A commercial static analysis platform that allows for scanning of multiple languages (C/C++, Android, C#, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Node.JS, Ruby, Fortran, and Swift).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Tencent Cloud Code Analysis (TCA for short, code-named CodeDog inside the company early) is a comprehensive platform for code analysis and issue tracking. TCA consist of three components, server, web and client. It integrates of a number of self-developed tools, and also supports dynamic integration of code analysis tools in various programming languages.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter


Linter for integrating annotated TODOs with your issue trackers

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers and other Artifacts, Suitable for CI. Trivy detects vulnerabilities of OS packages (Alpine, RHEL, CentOS, etc.) and application dependencies (Bundler, Composer, npm, yarn, etc.). Checks containers and filesystems.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Modern repositories include many technologies, each with its own set of linters. With 30+ linters and counting, Trunk makes it dead-simple to identify, install, configure, and run the right linters, static analyzers, and formatters for all your repos.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Code visualization tool that provides code analysis, standards testing, metrics, graphing, dependency analysis and more for Ada, VHDL, and others.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Find flaws in binaries and bytecode without requiring source. Support all major programming languages: Java, .NET, JavaScript, Swift, Objective-C, C, C++ and more.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Static analysis capabilities for Java bytecode and related languages and for JavaScript.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

WhiteHat Application Security Platform

WhiteHat Scout (for Developers) combined with WhiteHat Sentinel Source (for Operations) supporting WhiteHat Top 40 and OWASP Top 10.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Pluggable TypeScript and JavaScript linter.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter

Our Sponsors

This website is completely open source. To fund our work, we fully rely on sponsors. Thanks to them, we can keep the site free for everybody. Please check out their offers below.

  • BugProve
  • Pixee
  • semgrep
  • Offensive 360
  • BetterScan