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Static analysis tool for checking Ruby code for Sandi Metz' rules.

Tutorials / Guides

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  • SandiMeter screenshot

28 Alternatives for SandiMeter


A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Audit Gemfile.lock for gems with security vulnerabilities reported in Ruby Advisory Database.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Code quality threshold checking as part of your build.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


A Project to give the churn file, class, and method for a project for a given checkin. Over time the tool adds up the history of churns to give the number of times a file, class, or method is changing during the life of a project.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A static analysis security scanner for ruby written web applications. It supports Sinatra, Padrino and Ruby on Rails frameworks.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

ERB Lint

Lint your ERB or HTML files

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Common Ruby idioms checker.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Flay analyzes code for structural similarities.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report. The higher the score, the more pain the code is in.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A tool for measuring code complexity in Ruby class files. Its analysis generates scores based on cyclomatic complexity algorithms with no added "opinions".

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Static analysis and style linter for Ruby code.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


MetricFu is a set of tools to provide reports that show which parts of your code might need extra work.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


Static analysis Lint-type tool to improve your OO Ruby code.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and makes sure your numbers don't get any worse over time.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


Pattern Based Checking Tool for Ruby.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


An open source static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


A code metric tool for Rails projects

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


Code smell detector for Ruby.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Roodi stands for Ruby Object Oriented Design Inferometer. It parses your Ruby code and warns you about design issues you have based on the checks that it has configured.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


A Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Ruby classes interactive dependency graph generator.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Static code analysis for Ruby.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


A Ruby code quality reporter.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A Ruby cyclomatic complexity analyzer.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedRuby
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

Standard Ruby

Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Gradual Typing for Ruby.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code by the result of some old behavior with a new version.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedRuby
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

20 Multi-Language Tools


Creates reports of over 400 rule patterns for feature detection (e.g. the use of cryptography or version control in apps).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter


Open-Source static code analysis tool to discover, filter and prioritize security risks and vulnerabilities leading to sensitive data exposures (PII, PHI, PD). Highly configurable and easily extensible, built for security and engineering teams.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

Betterscan CE


Checks your code and infra (various Git repositories supported, cloud stacks, CLI, Web Interface platform, integrationss available) for security and quality issues. Code Scanning/SAST/Linting using many tools/Scanners deduplicated with One Report (AI optional).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Statically generates a call graph image and displays it on screen.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

Checkmarx CxSAST

Commercial Static Code Analysis which doesn't require pre-compilation.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Emerge is a source code and dependency visualizer that can be used to gather insights about source code structure, metrics, dependencies and complexity of software projects. After scanning the source code of a project it provides you an interactive web interface to explore and analyze your project by using graph structures.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter


Grep rough audit - source code auditing tool.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter

Hound CI

Comments on style violations in GitHub pull requests. Supports Coffeescript, Go, HAML, JavaScript, Ruby, SCSS and Swift.

  • DeprecatedDeprecated
  • DeprecatedMulti-Language
  • Deprecatedcli
  • Deprecatedlinter


Lizard is an extensible Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer for many programming languages including C/C++ (doesn't require all the header files or Java imports). It also does copy-paste detection (code clone detection/code duplicate detection) and many other forms of static code analysis. Counts lines of code without comments, CCN (cyclomatic complexity number), token count of functions, parameter count of functions.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Mega-Linter can handle any type of project thanks to its 70+ embedded Linters, its advanced reporting, runnable on any CI system or locally, with assisted installation and configuration, able to apply formatting and fixes

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Quick automated code review of your changes. Supports more than 40 runners for various languages, including Clang, Elixir, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby and more.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter



A fast, open-source, static analysis tool for finding bugs and enforcing code standards at editor, commit, and CI time. Its rules look like the code you already write; no abstract syntax trees or regex wrestling. Supports 17+ languages.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter

ShiftLeft Scan

Scan is a free open-source DevSecOps platform for detecting security issues in source code and dependencies. It supports a broad range of languages and CI/CD pipelines.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter


Sigrid helps you to improve your software by measuring your system's code quality, and then compares the results against a benchmark of thousands of industry systems to give you concrete advice on areas where you can improve.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • MaintainedcliMaintainedservice
  • Maintainedlinter


SonarLint is a free IDE extension available for IntelliJ, VS Code, Visual Studio, and Eclipse, to find and fix coding issues in real-time, flagging issues as you code, just like a spell-checker. More than a linter, it also delivers rich contextual guidance to help developers understand why there is an issue, assess the risk, and educate them on how to fix it.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Combination of multiple linters to install as a GitHub Action.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A commercial static analysis platform that allows for scanning of multiple languages (C/C++, Android, C#, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Node.JS, Ruby, Fortran, and Swift).

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers and other Artifacts, Suitable for CI. Trivy detects vulnerabilities of OS packages (Alpine, RHEL, CentOS, etc.) and application dependencies (Bundler, Composer, npm, yarn, etc.). Checks containers and filesystems.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • Maintainedlinter


Modern repositories include many technologies, each with its own set of linters. With 30+ linters and counting, Trunk makes it dead-simple to identify, install, configure, and run the right linters, static analyzers, and formatters for all your repos.

  • MaintainedMaintained
  • MaintainedMulti-Language
  • Maintainedcli
  • MaintainedlinterMaintainedformatter

Our Sponsors

This website is completely open source. To fund our work, we fully rely on sponsors. Thanks to them, we can keep the site free for everybody. Please check out their offers below.

  • BugProve
  • Pixee
  • semgrep
  • Offensive 360
  • BetterScan